"Saving Seeds and Growing Community: Starting a Seed Library"
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Lincoln Library, Springfield's Public Library
326 S.7th St.
Springfield, Illinois
Presented by Grow Springfield, a network of urban growers
About the program:
This year the Normal Public Library and University of Illinois Extension established the Normal Seed Library, a free seed project committed to making wholesome food available to community members. Through this project, they hope to foster community resilience, self-reliance, and a culture of sharing by sharing seeds. U of Extension Educator Bill Davison will present about seed saving, how this unique partnership started and how seed libraries can play an important role in saving money, increasing biodiversity and more. Additionally, Bill will share information about the food forest that is being established to help connect people with the source of their food. The goal is to get kids and adults out in the forest picking fruit, nuts, herbs, and perennial vegetables. The project will use volunteers to manage the food forest and it will also serve as a living seed library by providing people with seeds, tubers, cuttings, and divisions so they can propagate all of the plants in the food forest and plant them on their own property.