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Love UR World Summit October 13th, 4:30 PM at Southwind Park

Pleasant Plains Girl Scout Troop #6195 will be hosting an environmental summit in conjunction with the Sangamon Valley Group of the Sierra Club on Tuesday, October 13th beginning at 4:30 PM at Southwind Park located at 4965 S 2nd St, in Springfield, IL.

This family friendly event is open to the community and will have over 10 hands on activities for children of all ages.

Communities across the country will gather this October in anticipation of the Paris climate talks happening from November 30th - December 11th. According to Co-Leader, Jenica Hopkins, “The troop wanted to bring the conversation home to Springfield in a way that engaged children and inspire others to care for the planet.”

The Love Your World Summit, will have over ten activities to help residents and children learn how to care and protect the planet. From planting butterfly gardens, learning how to band hummingbirds, urban fishing, water conservation, and harnessing solar energy, the event will be fun for both children and adults. More than 10 organizations have signed up to table with opportunities to learn about air and water pollution, butterflies and recycled art projects, sustainable agriculture and city planning for kids. According to Hopkins, “we are fortunate to have the support of our community and want to give back in a meaningful way. What better way to show our appreciation than by sharing our passion regarding being responsible stewards of earth’s resources.”

To learn more about this exciting event, or ways in which you can get involved, contact Elizabeth Scrafford at 208-818-4626 or Jenica Hopkins at 217-299-8630.

Troop 6195 has actively taken on the Girl Scout promise to preserve and protect earth’s resources.


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