Industrial Hemp Production Workshop, March 12, 2019

Industrial Hemp Production Workshop (Freeport)
Corn and soybean producers are currently facing exceptionally tight margins and uncertainty in the market, creating the need for alternative crops and diversified cropping systems. As a result, Governor Bruce Rauner signed into law Senate Bill 2298, is responsible for creating the Industrial Hemp Act, which will allow Illinois farmers to grow, cultivate, and process industrial hemp provide producers acquire a license through the Illinois Department of Agriculture. Industrial hemp fibers are quite versatile can be used for production of many materials including food, textiles, cosmetics, and building materials. While states in the Midwest have a history of growing industrial hemp, it has not been involved in hemp production in some time. Now that the hemp will be legal to produce in 2019, producers in Illinois have many questions about production practices, particularly given the lack of agronomic research done in recent years. In order to provide some answers and resources on this topic, Illinois Extension will be hosting “Industrial Hemp Production,” a program designed to inform producers about legislation, registration, best management practices, and processing of this new crop.
“Industrial Hemp Production Workshop” will take place at the at Highland Community College Conference Center in Freeport, IL on March 12th, 2019 from 9 a.m. -12 p.m. Our agenda for the program tentatively includes the following topics and presenters:
Legislation and Registration of Industrial Hemp in Illinois
Taylor Shuck (Hemp Industries) & Molly Gleason (IL Stewardship Alliance) Rob Daviess (IL Farmers Union)
Industrial Hemp Production & Processing: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
Steve Tomlins (Turtle Creek Gardens) & Brian Parr (Legacy Hemp)
In addition to the presentations, this event will allow producers to come together to begin developing the network which will be vital to the successful implementation of industrial hemp in Illinois.
The cost of the program is $20 per person. Pre-register required by Friday March 8.
Registration can be completed on-line by completing the online form or by calling the University of Illinois Extension at (815) 235-4125.