Where to find it?
Check with local construction companies, community college woodworking classes and high school FFA or shop classes for donations of materials and labor if you choose to build your own tool-shed.
Craigslist is also a good resource to check for pre-made and used sheds for sale at a discounted price.
Sheds For Sale
Crews Portable Buildings LLC.
2701 East Clear Lake Avenue Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 544-5206
Storage Sheds
Often times, the biggest purchase decision for a beginning garden is that of a shed or storage building. In many cases, a tool locker is sufficient for the first year or two of a garden, though these cannot hold larger items like a wheelbarrow. There also may be space in a nearby building that can provide storage temporarily and save several hundred dollars. After the garden has been in use for a year or so, the idea of purchasing or building a storage shed can be revisited.
If a storage shed is needed immediately, there are two options, custom-built or pre-manufactured. Both have advantages and disadvantages. A custom-built shed can be built to specific needs and will probably fit the look and feel of the garden site better than a pre-manufactured shed. The cost of a custom shed can be higher than for a pre-manufactured shed, depending on materials used and who does the construction. If recycled materials are available, this is a great way to save money and they can give the shed a rustic look instantly. Pre-manufactured sheds come in all shapes, sizes and styles; the fancier the shed, the greater the cost. The biggest advantage is that you simply pick it out and it arrives on the site ready to use.
If building codes are followed, the exact material used to build the shed is not as important as proper painting or sealing to protect the sides and a good roofing material to prevent leaks. Whether purchasing a manufactured shed or building one from scratch, consider these important shed features:
Strong door hinges for extensive use
Windows or a skylight for natural lighting
Ability to hang shelves or tool racks on the walls
A way to secure it with a combination lock that can be changed as needed
Movability to accommodate a changing garden layout
Vented to prevent overheating and odor buildup
Treated wood floors to resist rotting
Strong floor joists (2” x 6” floor joists are stronger than 2” x 4” joists)
Source:UGA Extension
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